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Berezan Shrimp Offered by Albion Farms and Fisheries

As a major supporter and pioneer of sustainable seafood, it was an easy decision for us at Albion Farms and Fisheries® to start selling the unique and innovative product offered by The Berezan Shrimp Company. Passionate about protecting our earth’s natural ecosystems, their company has built the most technologically advanced land-based farm for seafood production and supply in the world, one that doesn’t impact our oceans (or our environment) at any stage of production.

Guy Dean wins Seafood Champion Award for Leadership

Albion Farms and Fisheries announced today that Guy Dean, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, has been honored by SeaWeb as a 2018 Seafood Champion in the Leadership category. This award category recognizes individuals or organizations that display leadership by organizing and convening seafood stakeholders to improve the sustainability of seafood and ocean health.

Meet the Better Burger

What does it take to make the perfect burger? Is it the sauce? The type of bun you use? Toasted or not? What about the ingredients? Fresh, organic, local? Some people like peanut butter on their burgers. Some like a big fat onion ring. Some just like it plain with a little bit of ketchup.

But all would agree that a great burger always starts with the meat.

System for Wild-Caught Salmon

Imagine a salmon fleet in the offshore waters of the Pacific Ocean near the remote archipelago of Haida Gwaii, known as Canada’s Galapagos, catching fish that will change hands several times before landing on your dinner plate. What if you knew the story of that fish—the date, location, species, catch method and even the vessel’s skipper? Would you feel more at ease knowing it was handled with care and caught sustainably with a hook and line?

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