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Berezan Shrimp Offered by Albion Farms and Fisheries

July 31, 2018
Berezan Shrimp Offered by Albion Farms and Fisheries

As a major supporter and pioneer of sustainable seafood, it was an easy decision for us at Albion Farms and Fisheries® to start selling the unique and innovative product offered by The Berezan Shrimp Company. Passionate about protecting our earth’s natural ecosystems, their company has built the most technologically advanced land-based farm for seafood production and supply in the world, one that doesn’t impact our oceans (or our environment) at any stage of production.

The Berezan Shrimp Co. is a Canadian owned and operated family business. They are located in Langley, B.C., which is 25 kilometers inland from the Pacific Ocean. Designed to produce 100 metric tonnes of shrimp each year, their closed-containment farm is 100% sustainable and is a prototype for the future. Their shrimp are certified for raw consumption, and are available fresh year-round, mere hours after harvest. They control all the growing conditions the shrimp love, producing amazingly sweet and tender shrimp. We like to call it the “Shrimp Spa”!

Other noteworthy product specifications include: SeaChoice “Green”, Ocean Wise, pesticide-free, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, PCB-free, micro-plastics-free, and chemical-free!

The species of shrimp they raise at Berezan Shrimp Co. is called Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp or Litopenaeus vannamei. Also known as white shrimp, the species is native to the Southwest Pacific Ocean with habitat ranging from Central America to South America. Threatened by over-fishing, Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp are the number one species of farmed shrimp globally. The baby shrimp that the Berezan Shimp Co. use come from a government certified biosecure hatchery.

Berezan’s land-based farm has no impact on local ocean or waterways. Each one of their dynamic team of biologists and farmers share the same passion of helping create a quality seafood protein source for generations to come. Their passionate, dynamic team is comprised of aquaculture professionals with world-class experience in marine biology, agriculture, aquaculture enterprise and supply chain logistics.

The Berezan Shrimp Co. facility was designed in adherence to the UN- FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). The Global Food Safety Initiative is an industry-driven global collaboration to advance food safety and traceability (mygfsi.com). They have also aligned with Mississippi State University (designated UN-FAO land-based aquaculture center) to monitor their animal health and water qualities. They have also partnered with the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Land and Food Systems for collaboration and advancement of their farming systems.

In the near future the Berezan Shrimp Co. looks to have multiple farms in the Upper Fraser Valley to supply larger domestic and export supply channels. We are so excited and proud that the new eco-friendly footprint of shrimp production is taking root right here in B.C.

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