B.C. 1 800 661 0071 Alberta 1 800 661 5183 Montreal 514 327 1310 Toronto 416 749 5951

Certified Angus Beef®

Modern shoppers seek premium Canadian Certified Angus Beef® beef in your stores. Adding case-ready cuts helps keep your shopper’s favourite products in stock around the clock: steaks, roasts, grinds, patties and marinated cuts. The Certified Angus Beef® brand’s reputation is built on quality - and that legacy is what makes the brand so well recognized and trusted by consumers. This superior reputation makes the shopper’s decision easy to come back to your store and repeat their purchase over and over.

Best Angus Beef. Ever.

Certified Angus Beef® 
Beef Rib Steak Boneless
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Roast Petite Tender
Certified Angus Beef®
 Beef Steak Skewer
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Tenderloin Filet Steak
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Flank Steak Maui Marinated
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Strip Loin New York Steak
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Roast Inside Round
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Top Sirloin Steak
Certified Angus Beef®
Beef Sirloin Cap Steak
Certified Angus Beef®
Ground Beef Chuck
Certified Angus Beef®
Ground Beef Chuck
Certified Angus Beef®
Ground Beef Chuck Patties

Request a quote & samples for your storefront

Download our retail sell sheet or fill out your details below to request information from an Intercity Packers representative.
Download Certified Angus Beef® Sell Sheet
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